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Why Milk Test?


A milk test is a process used to evaluate milk production, quality, and overall animal health. It typically involves collecting milk samples from individual animals and analyzing them for various components.

Types of Milk Testing:

  1. DHIA (Dairy Herd Improvement Association) Milk Testing

    • A structured program where official testers visit the farm, collect milk samples, and record production data.

    • The test measures milk weight (volume), butterfat, protein, somatic cell count (SCC) (indicator of udder health), and other components.

    • Results help with herd management, breeding decisions, and production improvement.

  2. One-Day Milk Test

    • Often used for verifying production in dairy goat performance programs like ADGA’s (American Dairy Goat Association) ST Performance Program.

    • A licensed tester measures milk production from does over a 24-hour period to verify daily yield.

  3. 305-Day or Extended Testing

    • This type of test tracks a doe’s or cow’s milk production across an entire lactation period, helping determine overall productivity.

  4. Somatic Cell Count (SCC) Testing

    • Checks for mastitis and udder health issues by measuring white blood cells in the milk.

  5. Butterfat and Protein Testing

    • Helps determine the quality of milk, which is crucial for cheese and dairy product production.

Why Do a Milk Test?

  • Helps improve herd genetics by identifying high-producing and high-quality milk animals.

  • Aids in nutrition and health management by detecting deficiencies or issues.

  • Provides proof of production for registering performance records (e.g., ADGA, AGS).

  • Assists in pricing and marketing for those selling milk or dairy products.

  • Detects mastitis and other health concerns early.

    Photo credits go to Happy Bottoms Farm
    Photo credits go to Happy Bottoms Farm


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